May 9, 2019 | Zenia
High Blood Pressure, Low Immune System and Stroke Assistance
Strokes. High Blood Pressure. Low Immune System.
Strokes are typically caused by blood flow being poor, thus high blood pressure is typical as the blood is too thick or having clotting. Solutions to this have a lot to do with stress, nutrient deficiencies and lack of hydration at a deeper level. High Blood Pressure is aided with diet changes, stress reduction and healthy fats. Low Immune system can lead to a compromised system more susceptible to infection, rashes and many long-term problems. Below is a list of suggestions to aid in and prevent these issues.
1. Hydration. Water hydrates at a surface level, add a few drops of organic lemon and it will penetrate the cells at a deeper level and provide more hydration for the cells.
2. Nutrition. Daily regime must consist of NO heavy saturated fats (dairy, corn syrup, milk, cheese or butter), no refined sugars, avoid meats, avoid any chemicals (dyes, flavoring, etc.). Try to have organic (no pesticides are sprayed) and non-GMO (no genetically modified seeds) foods if possible. This avoids contacts with toxic chemicals and genetic modifications which lead to free radicals. Have MORE antioxidants, vitamins, minerals which help with brain function. Below is an expansion of diet suggestions to take for each of the issues you might be facing.
NUTRITION: Dietary Suggestions:
Take care when taking with medications.
A) Omega3s: Chia Seeds, Salmon, Flaxseeds. (These are essential for brain function and memory)
B) Blueberries. (helps with memory and help boost cognitive function)
C) Pomegranates. (high in antioxidants which help with brain help and also protect against free radicals: cancer)
D) Tomatoes. (repairs any brain damage caused from strokes with neuroprotectivity)
E) Nuts and Seeds: Walnuts and Flaxseeds. (important antioxidants and vitamins to help with brain function)
F) Vitamin E. (this vitamin supplement can be found at a natural foods store, it is essential for repairing cells AND it helps with blood thinning. Topically, it is also helpful to repair scarring, wrinkles, stretch marks and rashes.)
G) Avocados. (the healthy oils and oleic acid help the grey matter in your brain to process information and brain speed)
A) Turmeric. (curcumin, the active ingredient, is anti-inflammatory and blood thinning)
B) Ginger. (also anti-inflammatory, natural occurring acid salicylate which is a potent blood thinner)
C) Vitamin E (400-800 IU per day, also found in almonds and sunflower oil)
D) Garlic (natural anti-biotic and antithrombotic that reduces blood clot formation, also boosts the immune system.)
E) Cinnamon (toxic if not organic as it [just like stevia] absorbs toxins and pesticides which is why it is such an amazing plant as it absorbs toxins in the body and flushes them out, thus best had organic. It contains coumarin, powerful for blood-thinning.)
F) Grape Seed Extract. (Contains antioxidants to protect blood vessels and prevent high blood pressure as well as aiding overall blood health)
BLOOD, SKIN AND STOMACH HEALTH (counter medication):
A) Iron. (Helps with BLOOD function)
B) Pro-Biotics. (will aid in STOMACH functions)
C) Vitamin E. (will aid in SKIN health)
A) Avoid trans fats or saturated fats. Instead: Monounsaturated Fats and Polyunsaturated Fats (Olive oil, Olives, Tree nuts, Avocados, Omega 3s)
B) Eat Soluble Fiber
C) Fish Oil
D) Avoid refined sugars and grains
A) Goldenseal Root (Sunrider has an excellent goldenseal root “Chinese Goldenseal Root” I use which is incredible. In general, Goldenseal Root boosts immunity and helps with overall immune function. Contact me for details)
B) Vitamin C (make sure it is absorbable, I use “Healthforce Superfoods: Truly Natural Vitamin C” which is exceptionally absorbable powder form. Also, citrus fruits build the immune system and increase production of white blood cells which are key for fighting infection. Most medication decreases white blood cell count and lowers immune system, so this vitamin important.)
C) Exercise (yoga is good for full body circulation, I will include some Yoga to do as well, contact me below) and stretch muscles.
D) Sleep (Get 8 hours of sleep nightly (sleep early, wake early))
E) Echinacea. (essential for immune system health, 900-1,500MG daily)
F) Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Zinc.
G) Probiotics (Amazing for the stomach but also having them in the GI tract helps to reinforce barrier in the intestinal lining which lowers chance of bacteria in the intestines from entering your blood stream. Acidophilus and Bifidis.)
H) Lessen Stress (see 3)
3. Stress. The number one cause of all issues is stress. Stress creates nutrition deficiency just by existing. Whatever stresses you have from the past memories or so forth may be a part of the health issues.
A) Meditation. I’ll include some meditation techniques for you to do so that you can help your blood pressure decrease as well. It will be only 5 minutes every few hours, quick and just to calm the mind and aid any stresses you might be having.
B) Entertainment. Whatever entertainment you are watching or reading, encourage more peaceful and happy things. Even though it might seem fun to watch scary or intense things, it can make the mind subconsciously stressed which affects the nervous system negatively.
C) Aromatherapy. (My mother uses a company called Young Living Essential Oils, in which we knew the owner personally. These oils are wonderful and very safe. Their oil blends are also very good for healing many issues. Smelling Orange Essence helped my mother during very difficult times. Let me know if you are interested)
D) Acupuncture. (This is very helpful with overall health and can calm down the nervous system as well)
E) Vitamins: Magnesium. (The vitamins I listed above are very good for stress, but Magnesium is key for relaxation and muscle tension relief as well. It will also help with bowel movements.)
NOTE: If you would like a supplement and product list of the best companies my family and I have found for absorbable versions of these vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc. please let me know and I will provide a full list of companies and their products that you can take. CONTACT ME BELOW.
Questions For Yourself:
What other health issues do you have?
What stresses do you have?
Typical Medications Given for Strokes and Their Side Effects:
Clopidogrel: Blood Thinner.
While researching I have observed that it takes a great toll on the immune system and damages the immune system functions. This means the body will be more prone to infection and illness because the immune system is compromised. If you receive a rash, one of the side effects of the medication is rashes as well. The list of side effects is extremely long, I have listed some below. You will have to counter these side effects deep damaging affects with immune system boosting natural foods and a healthy diet.
Side Effects List: Upper respiratory tract infection, chest pain, headache, flulike symptoms, joint pain, pain, dizziness, diarrhea, rash, urinary tract infection, nosebleeds, increased bleeding, itching, bruising. Other side effects include: Eczema, hepatitis, acute liver failure, low blood pressure, severely lowered white blood cell count (white blood cells are the defense cells that destroy free radicals and mutated cells). Additional side effects include: lymphatic system disorders (lymph is the key for the immune system), anemia, eye disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, general disorders, immune system disorders, nervous system disorders, psychiatric disorders, respiratory disorders, skin tissue disorders. Other side effects are also possible not listed.
Atorvastatin: Cholesterol.
This drug is not good for muscles or the digestive system, which means you will have to counter with pro-biotics and other natural healthy foods to repair damage.
Side Effects List: Gastrointestinal symptoms, joint pain, loss of appetite, insomnia, indigestion, muscle aches/issues, muscle inflammation, muscle ache, lightheadedness, fainting, breathing issues. More are unlisted.
Lisinopril: High Blood Pressure
This drug does also have a side effect of a rash, so you will have to take immune system boosting natural foods and healthy options I listed above to counter the effects of this and the other drugs. This drug also has skin issues associated.
Side Effects List: dizziness, cough, headache, high potassium levels (this can change the heart rhythm and too much of potassium can be dangerous), diarrhea, low blood pressure, chest pain, fatigue, rash, psoriasis, skin irritation, stomach pains.
These drugs lower the immune system, damage the skin, have allergic properties and to heal these issues the best thing to do is counter the damage with healing methods and foods to aid the body. The above suggestions will help.
Source for Side Effects Lists: RXLIST.COM
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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