How to Make Organic Homemade Almond Milk

This is my mothers recipe to make organic almond milk! Have fun! 🙂

Note: This is for skinless almond milk. The reason I do skinless (I know the skin is incredibly healthy, so just skip down to the last part if you want your almonds clothed instead of naked) is because with the skin I often gag a bit. If you have a sensitive tonsil/throat you might find the same thing. So! With that being said, please choose your preference. 😀

What you will need:
• 1 cup of organic almonds
• one big cup/glass/bowl – heat proof
• Filtered Water
• Working Vitamix


NAKED ALMONDS! Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 2.54.12 PM
This is how you remove the skin from your organic almonds! If you do it yourself you keep the essence and flavor.
• Heat up some water. Put 1 cup of almonds and 1 cup of your very hot water into your bowl/cup, the water should be almost to a boiling point.
• Soak the almonds in this bowl/cup of water. Make sure there’s an inch of water above the almonds so no almonds are exposed. Keep almonds outside soaking for about four hours.
• Then, put the cup of almonds and water (now cooled down a bit from being out) in your fridge overnight so that it does not go bad and the skin continues to loosen.
After 4-6 hours in the fridge the skin starts to loosen and some skin will float off.cfecd6bb5709c095
• Next morning get your almonds from the fridge, pour them and the water into colander to get water out and separate the almonds from the old water in a bowl, pour warm water over almonds, and start peeling them. Rub the skin off each almond so that you have white naked almonds.

Now you have white hand-removed skinless almonds! They’re a bit moist at this point.
Vitamix• Put the cup of skinless almonds in the Vitamix with about 1 and 1/2 to 2 cups water.
• Set Vitamix on maximum speed flipping it on and off, from high to low so that it doesn’t heat up, for about 3-5 minutes (you don’t want it to get too hot when on continuously at max speed, because Vitamix will turn your almonds and water into soup.)
• Turn off your Vitamix and check it to make sure it’s smooth. You might have to dilute it. We make it thick so we can add ater to taste individually. I add about 1/3 thick almond milk in a normal 8 ounce glass, to 2/3 water. More water, less
• You can add a little organic vanilla extract or organic chocolate powder if you want a little flair.
Personally I love the taste of plain organic almonds! It’s so very yummy.

Yay! You’ve made organic almond milk! Enjoy! 😀

REMEMBER! You can always add vanilla extract (organic please) or cocoa powder (organic… please!) to make things a little fun. 🙂 I’ve even added strawberry! So have fun. But the great thing about this almond milk is you can make the turmeric drink right after!

Be sure to watch for new healthy recipes, health tips, and yummy alternatives on!

Why handmade organic food?
Life is handmade by everything we do we add ingredients to the most amazing recipe for an astounding life-cookie. When life gives you almonds, make almond milk! Nutritious food encourages a happy, healthy body. Time to take life by the hand… 😉

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